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Grant Our Roots Rain
(Jose Pulickal)

It is in the muddles of life?s pangs one recognises the power more superior than one self. ?Grant Our Roots Rain? tries to decipher divine in the day-to-day bewilderments of life in 18 short meditations on God. Here is a cry of a soul from the labyrinths of life?s conflicts and contradictions and finds meaning in them because he deciphers God?s presence with him.
The book opens with a meditation on the mystery of God. It is this mysteriousness of God man can recognise his own mysterious nature and makes him open to the indefinable and incalculable events of life, to accept the unexpected and yet not to reject it or surprised by them. Another interesting meditation is on the forgiveness. Confronted with gross evil engulfing, the author says that the only way to break the vicious cycle of evil is forgiveness inspired by love and not by helplessness. While helplessness germinates hatred, love produces and heals life. Yet in another meditation, the author looking around sees only ?good ordinary people?. As good they have immense capacity for compassion, love, nobility etc. In the ordinariness of man, author recognises the evil they do. And yet it is through the good-ordinary human beings God acts in human history.
The book presents an interesting perception about life from the perspective of a believer. What one recognises is the believer in God hiding behind each of these meditations. I believe these meditations have a lasting value for men and women who passes through life cursing and grudging, and self-pitying when confronted with the un-palatable situations of life. It is in these circumstances that a person?s real mettle shows forth. The author has recognised God in these events, he calls the readers also to recognise God and live nobly.
The book is written in a unpretentious style telling a tale in a biblical simplicity. The book is worth a read by persons of all religions.

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