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Harmful Intent
(Robin Cook)

As of the first page of the book, the reader is captivated by an event which seemed to be rather banal: Patty, a young woman has just had her first contractions? the baby is on the way, a happy event? Nothing extraordinary, however the reader can be prevented from greedily reading the various emotions of this young mother? At the end of some pages, one even starts to find her attaching until testing a feeling of injustice when one attends his appalling childbirth.
the family of Patty shouts justice! They need a culprit! There is of it a ready whole, been useful on a plate: the doctor anaesthetist, Jeffrey Rhodes.
the events which preceded death by Patty did not help lawyer of Jeffrey to prove his innocence? But it really or of a plot is victim is?

the truth is so unthinkable, revolting and immoral that the reader has only two alternatives, that is to continue to read of only one draft to know the end of the history quickly or to make a pause to reflect and think that the border between the fiction and reality is sometimes invisible?

Resumos Relacionados

- Intending To Hurt

- Avec Intention De Nuire

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- Com Intenção De Prejudicar (avec Intention De Nuire)

- Mit Der Absicht Zu Verletzen

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