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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
(Roald Dahl)

Watch out sweet-tooths... I studied this book in middle school,
now I've seen the film, and nevertheless, like all Roald Dahl's works,
it's not necessarily a book for young readers. As for the story,
in brief, is about a young boy named Charlie, who wins a contest to
visit the famous village chocolate factory, along with other young
people each accompanied by an adult, and who, over the course of the
visit will see many strange things... Charlie and the Chocolate
factory is above all a "bizarre, bizarre" story thoroughly imbibed with
Roald Dahl's universe, who, in spite of his ironic and even cruel tone,
manages to give us nonetheless a happy ending. Reading this text
is joyful and refreshing and if you like chocolate, it's best to have a
bar close at hand, although...

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- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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