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Louis Viii The Lion
(Gerard Sivery)

There are kings who don't have any chance. They have started to worry not because their reign was ridiculous, but because history made them govern between two important moments. Louis VIII is one of them. He is the victorious son of Bouvines, who left him the thron at 36 years old - he has only three years to live -, and the father of Saint Louis, who was going to be the unanimous reference of the West kings. How can one have his own place in these conditions? However, by looking at Gerard Sivery, this prince merites the most important name of "lion" that posterity left him. Victorious against Jean sans Terre, he could have been the king of England if the expedition that took him beyond the French Channel didn't stop. But, thanks to him, the Capetian family grew at the detriment of the possesions of the Plantagenet in France. A short reign but dense.

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