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Angels In The Gloom
(Anne Perry)

A look into the horror, politics and friendships of World War I is found in Anne Perry?s historical fiction novel Angels in the Gloom, the third novel in her World War I mystery series. As with most series books, the characters are the same, but the mystery is complete in each novel, making each book readable on its own.

Joseph Reavley is a Chaplin in the British Army. While stationed at the front line, Joseph is severely wounded in his arm and leg while trying to save another soldier?s life. He is returned home to St. Giles to recover. He joins his sister, Hannah, and her two children at the large Reavley home. Both of Joseph?s parents are dead. Archie, Hannah?s husband, is a commander in the Royal Navy aboard the HMS Cormorant. Hannah worries for Archie?s safety at sea as the Germans are using their superior U-boat capabilities with alarming regularity and deadly precision. England has lost many ships in her fleet.

The new vicar in St. Giles, Hallam Kerr, is having trouble relating to the church members and knowing what to say to the war wounded and widows. He arrives at Joseph?s door asking for help when he is called to visit a newly widowed woman, Lizzie Blaine. This is not a war-related death, however, but murder. The victim, Theo Blaine, was a top scientist working at the Establishment. Kerr is at a loss as to what to say and do for Mrs. Blaine. When they arrive at the Blaine?s home, Joseph handles the situation while Kerr waits in the car. Joseph believes Kerr is inadequate for the job as vicar of the church and thinks about leaving the Army and remaining in St. Giles to care for the church members.

Inspector Perth, a policeman Joseph has met previously arrives at the Blaine home. He questions Lizzie about her husband?s actions of the evening before, and who could possibly have wanted to put a garden fork through Blaine?s neck. Perth and Joseph suspect a German spy trying to undermine Blaine?s work at the Establishment.

The Establishment is a scientific laboratory, under the direction of Shanley Corcoran, who was a good friend of Joseph?s father. Corcoran has told Joseph that they are extremely close to completing a device that will help England win the war and defeat the German U-boat fleet. This plan has been disrupted by the murder of Blaine, but Corcoran assures Joseph that the device can be completed without Blaine?s help.

A prototype of the device is eventually built and set to be tested on Cormorant. However the device is actually a decoy, as Corcoran has not been able to complete Blaine?s work. The government hopes to draw out a German spy that has been problematic, and Matthew, Joseph?s brother with the Special Intelligence Services, has been chosen to go along on the voyage to try and draw out and capture the German spy. Matthew is eventually able to identify the spy by a watch the man is wearing. The watch was purchased in Matthew?s presence by a known double agent for her father.

The harrowing ending and a twist the reader never sees coming, combine for a good mystery most people will enjoy.

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