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Konrad Wallenrod As A Romantic Hero

Konrad Wallenrod is a hero created by famous polish poet Adam
Mickiewicz.He is a paradigm of a man embroiled in tragedy.Unfortunate
accidents accompany Konrad just from his childhood, when he had been
captivated by The Cross Brotherhood and his family died.Fortunately, in
The Cross Brotherhood Castle he found a man, originating from
Lithuania, who explained him exactly his identity.He also infused him
with patriotic feelings.But, at the beginning, he did not allow him to
come back homeland.That became a reason of gruesome mental pain of
Konrad.Shortly after, Konrad Wallenrod came to Kowno and met with
Prince Kiejstut.He stayed at his court and got married to
Aldona.Unfortunately, this land was also unfriendly toward Konrad and
he was unhappy.This is a moment, when starts tragedy of our hero.He
decided abscond from his wife and from his country, join The Cross
Brotherhood and destroy his enemy from inside.This method, probably
right, was not really applaused by himself.But, he did not see a
different way.He could choose: stay with wife or for the price of his
personal happiness save his homeland.If he had chosen the first one
option he would have never been proud of himself.He though he is
responsible for his country, that is why he decided to fight.He
returned to The Cross Brotherhood and he became his
leader.Unfortunately, he reigned miserably.The Cross Brotherhood lost
all of the wars.One day, he decided :Make or break! and started a big
decisive battle.He lost and The Cross Brotherhood was almost
broken.On top of everything, the truth transpired and he was called a
traitor.Konrad, being afraid of Brotherhood, committed a suicide.He
lost all that he could lose in his life.

Resumos Relacionados

- Who Would I Choose To Be?

- Great Soul

- Nineteen Eighty Four

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- Cross

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