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The King Of Halles

June 1626, a young girl aged fou years old wonders in the night in the forest of Anet. Her name is Sylvie de Valaines and her family has just been assasinated, may be on the order of Cardinal Richelieu to take away problematic letters. A young boy of ten years old finds her and brings her back to the Castle of Anet. His name is Francis d Bourbon-Vendome and he is one of the youngest grand sons of Henry IV of Gabrielle d'Estrees. She was educated by the Vendome, and she is the best person of the Queen of Austria, Anne of Austria and she meets with Miss de Hautefort, with who she becomes friends from the birth of Louis the XIV. And this child of fifteen years is going to face the fearful anger of Louis XIII, the Cardinal of Richelieu and the mysterious murdererof his mother. Unfortunately, the murderers are rapidly going to find the hide of Sylvie... Soon, she is obliged by the one who calls her the "Torturer of the Cardinal"to marry the unfair and unfriendly La Ferriere, who gives her wedding night to this miserable. Sylvie, being dirty and tired, manages to escape and, like longtime ago, finds Francis at the end of her road. But from now one has to hide. Francis, who has taken her again under his protection, brings her to the asylum that he thinks safe and makes her taken for dead, without imagining that the ennemies of the young woman will stop. And the journey will take time, difficult, which will make Sylvie, always feeling the love that he feels for her, the right to come back to the sunshine. Francis, himself, does not think about any thing than his anger for Mazarin, an anger which will make him one of the Chiefs of the Fronde, the one that the enthusiatic people will call the "King of Halles"

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