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City Of The Beasts
(Isabel Allende)

Alexander Cold has the chance to take the trip of a lifetime in the heart of the mysterious Amazon. As his mother is suffering from illness, he has to join his fearless grandmother, a magazine reporter for International Geographic, on an expedition to the dangerous, remote world of the Amazon. Their mission,is to document the legendary Yeti of the Amazon known as the Beast.
Alexander discovers the hidden worlds of the rain forest. He is amazed not only by de biodiversity of this part of the world, but he also is invted to know more abut himself and about friendship when he meets Nadia, the young daugther of de expedition guide. Together they discover their totemic animal. Alexander as the strength of Jaguar. Nadia has the eagle's ancient spirit .

This two young friends are going o find the People of the Mist and become their gardians from many threats. They will enter in a secret world, that no one could ever imagined, where nature is untoutched, and where only one person knows how to get there.

Friendship, adventure, corruption, courage, greed, maturity and many other ingredients complete this stunning novel of the International novelist Isabel Allende. This is the first book of a trilogy which promises many adventures.

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