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The End Of The Affair
(Graham Greene)

Maurice Bendrix, a success writer, knows the Miles couple in the Summer of 1939. Henry is a civil-servant, Sarah is a beautiful woman.
Bendrix and Sarah soon became lovers, and started a clandestine, passionate and tormented relationship. Bendrix never felt comfortable in the relationship, he was always jealouse about Sarah, since she seemed to be too much experienced and too much skillful in managing her relationships with the deceived husband and her most recent lover. Bendrix is jealouse of all the past lovers of Sarah. He is also jealouse about the deceived husband . And, he despairs when he understands that he will never be able to betray Sarah, he will no more be able to make love to a woman who he doesn't love.

In the night where the first flying bombs attack London, the lovers were together, at Bendrix's home. One of the bombs blows up in the next house . The door of the street flies against Bendrix, the knob has broken his teeth, he faints. When Bendrix returns with difficulty to the room, finds Sarah, kneel to pray. That seems to him a nonsense, for she was not not catholic, and most of all, he needed her aid! But Sarah abandons him, leaves him at this very moment, she will not come back?

Without understanding, Bendrix is invaded by the rage, the jealousy that it now feels as total justified, the desperation, and something that he called hatred .

He didn´t know that after the explosion, Sarah thought he was dead. And she prayed to a God whom existence she was not certain about. She promises that she would finish the relationship they kept, if God saved him. And God saved Bendrix.
Sarah will keep her word, above of all the doubts about the religious question. She was not sure about being heard, and yet she knows she was given the grace she asked for. Sarah fulfills her promise until her death.

After its death two miracles had happened, as if God was to affirm that He had has accepted her sacrifice.

Bendrix will never get anything in his life, but some peace.

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