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Beyond The Flames, A Family Touched By Fire
(Heather Thomas)

by Jerry Carlton

Seldom do I cry. When each of my two children were born, I cried. When dad and mom passed, I cried. When I finished Hearther Thomas' new book, Beyond the Flames, A Family Touched by Fire, I cried. In fact I cried throughout the reading.
This gut wrenching account of a blessed family, touched by the flames of a wild fire and the subsequent healing is written in such detail, with such powerful feelings, it's an inspiration to those living through tragedy and for those who have never touched tragedy.
The mother of the victim, recounts events as they unfolded in a precise methodical manner that leaves the reader to wonder how the mother could relive the intensity.
After the initial phone call, late at night on July 5, 2000, Heather and Lynn Thomas sped to the rural hospital only to find their daughter being life flighted out of the community, to a burn center hundreds of miles away. Heather recounts these events with such fullness and detail that the reader is entrapped with a mind's eye picture of a family in crisis.
But this is not just a story about tragedy. This accounting of events subtley explores the love of a mother, the devotion of a father, the spirit and will to live of the victims, and perhaps most touching of all, the resolve of a toddler, knowing mommy was hurt but no matter what would return.
The rallying of a small rural community to give aid, comfort, financial support, gives the reader a feeling that the community is part of a large family. The EMTs, volunteer firemen, business owners all assisted in the time of need. This is not just a story of tragedy, it is a story of life.
The doctors, nurses, therapists, and aids in a major metropolitan hospital became part of the family. With the most delicate care, Heather, is able to tie the family, the rural community, the people that are entrusted with the care and rehabilitation of her daughter, into one large family. The tragedy of Andrea, brings to light a greater good. Heather gives the reader a feeling that the world is a good place. A place where we are indeed one family.
This is a must read.

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