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Death Of The Nile
(Christie Agatha)

In the small town of Aswan which nest at the edge of the Nile, some tourists have patience before the departure of the splendid steamer which must take them along in cruising. Among them, curious a small man with funny about military moustache and piercing green eyes. It is Hercules Poirot, detective, who is being by chance among them. Poirot is the only one to notice the extreme paleness of a young woman, Linnet Doyle and her husband Simon Doyle, whose tended expression appears strange to him. Isn't this there an odd attitude for two young grooms who come to pass their honeymoon? Poirot raises questions. Without having the air of nothing, it gets information and discovers soon that a woman, Jacqueline de Bellefort, follows since their departure of London. It ex-is promised in marriage of Simon, who left fallen for the Linnet rich person, because he likes over all the luxury. It is Jacqueline who pushed it in the arms of Linnet, multimillionnaire, who was his friend. The latter needed an intendant and wire out of needle, Simon charmed and they married. Jacqueline had dreamed to take along Simon in this marvellous travel and it always corrodes love for him. Poirot understood the disappointment of this woman to the poignant eyes, sat on these rocks overhanging the Nile, while waiting for the departure of the Karnak. It seems lost in its thoughts and feeling its despair, it addresses the word to him and asks him to go up on the boat and to forget the past. It seems completely lost, starts to laughing in a hysterical way and shows him a small gun which it tightens in its bag... Karnak releases finally the mooring ropes with all its world on board. It slips slowly through splendid wild landscapes. The weather is very hot, and the passengers all are a little dormant. Poirot, benefits from it to make knowledge with other travellers of which the behaviours the intrigue. There is Andrew Pennington, executor of Linnet: Poirot discovers that it lies as it breathes and already seems to have made quite bad blows. And what does it have to think of Tim Allerton? This young man has obviously a strong antipathy for him and does not fail to render comprehensible it to him. There is also an archaeologist who receives strange coded telegrams, an old injury which cannot prevent themselves from flying and a servant with the enigmatic airs. By heat harms, the drama bursts. Linnet Doyle has just left the living room of the passengers to go to lie down, followed almost at once by Pennington. Simon, comfortably installed, reads a magazine. Sat with a close table, Jacqueline fixes it of a black look. She drank more than of habit and cannot prevent oneself of him to aloud say all that it has on the heart. Simon asks him to be keep silent but it continues without being able to stop. Very quickly, the tone goes up. Suddenly, the young woman collapses, wounded with the knee. Everyone panics, fact much of noise and Jacqueline, howl. So that anybody does not hear a detonation which resounds at the same time in the cabin of Linnet Doyle. It is only in the early morning that the chambermaid discovers the corpse of her mistress and the detective is immediately called on the spot of the crime. The young woman was killed out of a ball in the head during her sleep. On the white wall, an awkward finger traced the letter J color red-blood. The detective is undecided. Would one like to make him believe that Linnet thus wanted to reveal the identity of the murderer before returning his last sigh? In any event, Jacqueline de Bellefort cannot be guilty since at the time when the crime was committed, many witnesses attended the violent dispute which opposed it to Simon. Then which killed Linnet Doyle? Poirot guesses that certain passengers know some longer than they donot want to admit it well... The investigation is hardly started that a second crime is committed. Then, a third. The cruising of dream rocks irremediably in the nightmare. Hercules Poirot must show all hiis imagination to uncover the culprit.
In died on the Nile, Agatha Christie shows all the measurement of its genius of the intrigue. It multiplies the enigmas and distorts them tracks in order to mislay the reader in labyrinths which are a challenge with its intelligence.

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- Death On The Nile

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- Death On The Nile

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