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Eugenie Grandet

One hears the funny one of noise, the night, at the Grandet father and the rumour claims that it counts its pennies, and that it is immensely rich. Only, the come day, the Grandet father seems a quite poor man, who saves on all and mainly on the train of his house. Her daughter, Eugenie is not very pretty, rather timid, but thanks to the money of his father, two young people well informed, the nephew of the notary and the son of the banker find some assets to him. But it was without counting on the love. Eugenie falls in love with her Charles cousin who unloads on their premises, while believing to find a castle. It is well disappointed by the home, without knowing that it has been just collected by his uncle, following the suicide of his own father. That it has a mouth moreover to nourish and especially that one hastens around the young man. His wife makes fire, one wants to seek sugar for the coffee of Charles and the Grandet father sees this expenditures by a badly eye. Then, it announces to him without care the death of his father. Upset, Charles cries and meets the eyes in love. To be with the height of Eugenie, helped by the Grandet father who does not ask better than to get rid some, Charles will leave to the Indies to make fortune. Charles left, the Grandet father died, Eugenie finds herself with the head of a very large fortune. Two young people return to the attack but Eugenie remains faithful to the two kisses which authorized to Charles before leaving. This one made fortune on the seas. Will he remember of Eugenie at the time of marrying? It hopes and dreams but in vain. One month after its return, it did not come to see it. It learns that Charles must marry a commoner who will lighten large debts if it marie with her. It does not know that Eugenie is rich. Of spite, furious but always in love and after having one moment thought of taking the veil, Eugenie makes settle the debts of Charles per Mister de Bonfons, so that it is not obliged to marry and itself marries this last, while making him promise anything to hope of it. Marriage of convenience until the end. It will be widowed at thirty three years and in spite of its immense fortune, will live as his father will have learned to him, the most of stingily possible.
Balzac, better than who ever, can trace with accuracy the portrait of these two characters who are the father and the girl, that very divides : the father in his avarice pushed to the extreme and the girl in her total love for her cousin Charles.

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- Eugénie Grandet

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- Eugénie Grandet

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