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Random Harvest
(James Hilton)

Swirling fragments of the mind . . . Charles Ranier is tormented by his
past - by three years which he cannot remember. A name . . . a fragment
of a song . . . the glimpse of a mountaintop through the windows of a
train . . . a constant beckoning by the wafting memories, too swift for
the mind to capture.

He is a successful businessman and politician, but what was he before?
Who was he as he walked shellshocked through the streets of England in
1918--before he came home to a family who thought he was dead, who
didn't know him anymore, who resented this seeming resurrection, so
conveniently appearing in the nick of time to receive his portion of
the family inheritance. What life did he lead in those lost years?

As his young secretary helps him to untangle the labyrinth of memory,
they take us through an unforgettable journey of the mind. Every answer
to every question leads only to a dozen more, as we, the readers,
explore the fascinating maze of this man's life, each passageway
connected in a dizzying matrix to a dozen other passageways . . . until
the final revelation slowly dawns as light at the end of the tunnel
grows steadily brighter and brighter, at last heralding the culmination
of a lifetime's hopes and aspirations, the clearing of a hundred
thousand tangled mindwebs into the light of pure simple understanding.

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