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Autobiography Of A Yogi
(Paramahansa Yogananda)

Those of you who are deeply interested in religion and have not yet read The Autobiography of a Yogi have a treat in store. Mukund Lal Ghosh, born Jan 5 1893, became Swami Yogananda, emigrated to the United States in 1920 and returned to India for a brief two years in 1935-36. Then he returned to America and passed away in 1952 at a very public occasion - a dinner held in honour of free India's first ambassador to the United States, Binay Ranjan Sen.

The book is written in an extremely readable style. Many words the author uses, many phrases and references, are bound to be unknown to the average user, yet the context invariably gives you the appropriate 'feel' of the meaning and sense the author wants to convey.

There is a plethora of footnotes, truly helpful and not a hindrance to perusing the book. There are many editions of this book. There are photographs. But all these are technical details.

The book is, essentially, an authentic exposition of all of India's philosophy and heritage as can be comfortably conveyed in a short book which is in the form of a narrative. It can be read by youngsters and older people alike. As I said at the beginning, if you have got that kind of thirst, Yogananda has got the precious fluid for you.

So, if I gave a compact, logical outline of this book and tried to convey what he has said by a process of precis writing, the flavor may not be retained and I would be taking away from the joy of interested readers who want to read it in full.

One word. As I carefully said at the start, this is a book about all of religion. Not only and specifically about yoga, as such. This in spite of the title. The book has a sweep. Of course the whole emphasis is Oriental. Also, Yogananda was definitely writing for the West. It is best read in the original English though there are many translations. Those who have a deep love for Jesus Christ are bound to find a soul mate in the writer and be thrilled by Yogananda's numerous quotations from the Bibles { both } and his own genuine at-one-ness with the ideals of Jesus.

On a personal note, I may add that before I read this book, an English-medium schooling and love for science and technology had moulded me somehow so that I truly found a complete absence of anything to be proud of in India, as an Indian. Born in 1960, and aspiring for an IIT education, an Americophile and England lover, which last two things I still am, I, then, knew India to be the boondocks of civilization. Truly, the reading of this book opened my eyes as nothing else, before, or since. Exactly what it is about India that any Indian or for that matter, any person anywhere should validly look up to, value and gain from, this book itself will tell better than I can endeavour to say with my poor ability.

So, as I said, if you wonder what life is all about, or if you want answers to philosophical questions at deep, intimate, personal level, satisfying both head and heart, and more, fulfilling a deep soul thirst, go ahead and grab this unique book. Too many books have been described as life-transforming. So I will not make any claims. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, as always.

A last word. This book is not for entertainment. This is the real M'Coy. Those who just want an entertaining read may be disapppointed. Those whojust operate at an intellectual level will find many many other works on similar subjects much more 'meaty'. But those who thirst, those who are suffering, those who have given up on finding any answers, may find in The Autobiography of a Yogi a soul satisfying assurance of the existence of God and His goodness. Deep healing by just reading a book. That is, ultimately the usp, unique selling point, of this work. It might just as well have been entitled 'What Life is All About', for that is, ultimately, what it teaches

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