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(The Bible)

The book of Genesis is a historical and religious account of man?s creation in the Garden of Eden. It also providers readers with the names of some descendants of Adam. The book of Genesis describes the murder of Abel by Cain which results the expulsion of humanity from the Garden of Eden by God. Genesis provides an account of the wickedness of mankind up until the time of Noah.In the time of Noah, God flooded the Earth destroying everyone but Noah and his family and their boat. God also promises that he will not destroy the Earth with a flood ever again. There is an account of Noah in a drunken state and his sons reaction to seeing him in that state. There is also a list of Noah?s descendants. Genesis also describes what happened at the Tower of Babel when the Lord God felt there was a need to confuse the language of all people. There is a list of the descendants of Shem and a list of the descendants of Terah up to the time of Abraham. God calls Abraham to serve him and changes his name from Abram to Abraham. God also changes Abraham?s wife Sarai?s name to Sara. Genesis provides an account of Abraham?s travels in Egypt to Hebron and also provides a record of his relationship with his nephew Lot. Abraham has a child by Hagar, Sarah?s slave-girl. She gives birth to a son named Ishmael. Abraham?s people are told by God about circumcision and begin to use it. Sarah is promised a son. Abraham pleads to save Gomorrah and Sodom but is unsuccessful because the Lord God could not find ten innocent people.Lot?s daughters make him drunk and have sexual relations with him thus creating the tribes of Moabites and Ammonites. Sarah gives birth to Isaac and Hagar and Ishmael are sent away. Abraham agrees to be loyal to Egypt. God commands Abraham to offer up his son Isaac as a sacrifice and he does so. However, God then tells Abraham not to kill his son. There is a list of the descendants of Nahor. Sarah dies and Abraham buys a burial ground. A wife is found for Isaac and there is a list of the descendants of Abraham. Abraham dies and is buried. Rebecca gives birth to twins named Esau and Jacob. Esau sells his rights as the first born son to Jacob. Isaac and Abimelech make an agreement. Esau marries two foreign wives Judith and Basemath. Isaac blesses Jacob instead of Esau and Esau begs for Isaac?s blessing. Jacob goes Mesopotamia to find a wife and Esau takes Mahalath to wife. Jacob has a dream in which God reveals himself. Jacob serves his uncle so that he may wed Rachel and her sister Leah. There is a record of the children born to Jacob and his bargain with Laban and then flees after which they manage to come to an agreement. Jacob and Esau meet. Jacob?s daughter Dinah is raped and her brothers avenge her. God blesses Jacob. Rachel dies as does Isaac. There is a record of Jacob?s sons and Esau?s descendants. Joseph?s sons sell their brother Jacob who is then taken to Egypt. Joseph interprets dream for a prisoner and the King and is then made Governor. Joseph?s brothers go to Egypt to buy corn and meet Joseph though they know it not. He gives them their corn and they return to Canaan. Joseph tests his brothers and then tells them who he is. Jacob and his family move to Egypt. A famine occurs. Jacob makes a last request and blesses Ephraim and Manasseh. Jacob gives a few last words, dies and is buried. There is a record at the end o Genesis of Joseph?s death.

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- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis

- Genesis (genesis)

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