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Letters To A Young Poet
(Rainer Maria Rilke)

A Reflection Of Ourselves

If your everyday life appears to be unworthy subject matter, do not complain to life.
Complain to yourself. Lament that you are not poet enough to call up its wealth.

-Rainer Maria Rilke, on themes for writing poetry.

Anyone who writes poetry, and perhaps even those involved in other forms of creative endeavors, may find the words within this book a mirror of themselves. I say that only because a mirror shows us our current reflection, and as we change throughout our life, the reflection changes with us. The beautiful and gentle expressions Rainer Maria Rilke writes to Franz Kappus are meant for a young poet, but their magnitude and depth are such that they could continue to be an endless source of insight and wisdom as he continued to evolve as a poet. I'm certain that we can all see ourselves in these wonderful words, and we can also witness what we aspire to be.

Even as Rilke admits that Jens Jacobsen, the writer, and Auguste Rodin, the sculptor, taught him something of the depth and enduring quality of creativity, it is always to the poet's own personal experiences and inward impetus, that he continually points to as the true source for art. For it may very well be that a poet is often inspired by these outward influences, it is still to those unique ideas and beautiful emotions that often remain on the edge of his own comprehension that an artist seeks to fully express. As Rainer Maria Rilke so eloquently writes, To allow the completion of every impression, every germ of a feeling deep within, in darkness, beyond words, in the realm of instinct unattainable by logic...that alone is to live one's art.

The requisite to read these ten letters written over one hundred years ago has endured for generations, and will continue to do so. This is because they are the indispensable words from the heart of an evolved soul and master poet. The words Rainer Maria Rilke writes to Franz Kappus are never harsh, never judgmental, or critical; they are always kind, thoughtful and gentle. By sharing his own deep understanding of the nature of humanity and the creative spirit, Rilke encourages us all to reach for limitless possibilities and discover our own wellspring of being.

It is always my wish that you might find enough patience within yourself to endure, and enough innocence to have faith.
-Rainer Maria Rilke on bringing the inner and outer life into harmony

~Brian Douthit
author of Perfectly Said: when words become art

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