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Veronika Decides To Die
(Paulo Coelho)

This book is about a girl named Veronika who is living a life which has no purpose and meaning. She finds herself doing the same mundane activities day-in and day-out for the entire year. Frustated from her life, she decides to die, only to find herself in a mental hospital where she actually discovers life.

There, she meets all the people who are supposedly mental, to be more normal than the people in outside world. There, she finds out what it is, to do what you like, to do things as you want and still do not feel ashamed because you no longer fear people as they think you are mad. There, she finds out that the people living in the mental hospital are considered mad because they wanted to live life in a way which is unacceptable to the society. But, all this is just a dream for her as she was told that she is going to die within a week because of her unsuccessful suicide attempt which has punctured her heart.
Then, the story unfolds and she falls in love with a schizophrenic boy.

Moral of the Story

This book speaks a lot about oneself and we at times, can imagine ourselves in the position where veronika is. She has everything in life what a person can think of, but still there is something seriously missing in her. She is unable to understand the reason of her been unhappy inspite of everything.

We at times, are at the same junture. We have everything that one wants, ex., a life, a job, money, family, friends, etc. But, still, there are moments when one feels hollow in life, as if there is something missing.

The thing that was missing in veronika?s life was PURPOSE. She did not know what?s the purpose of her life is. She was tired of masking her day to day life, doing things which she does not want, but still does it because somebody else wants it to be done. Finally, one day, she hits the ceiling of her frustation and decides to die.

When we hit the ceiling of our frustation, what do we do? We change jobs. But, is it the answer to the question? No! We all need to have a purpose. We all are here in this world for a purpose. Though, the book doesn?t talk about the purpose of life, it forms its central idea.

The book talks about living a life without any fear. It talks about doing what you think is correct rather than doing what others think is correct.


This book is definately worth a read. It's a simple concept but, very well executed with aggressive writing and bold situations.

Here is the opportunity to wet yourself with some reality. The book is definitely worth a read ?

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