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The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
(Douglas Adams)

This delightful dip into the insanity and zanity of the galaxy leaves
the reader laughing and spouting quotations for the next several
light-years of their existance (providing of course, the reader is a
galactic hitchhiker as well, and therefore measures their existance in
light years, which is, of course, a measure of distance--not of time,
and therefore, generally not of existence).

What would you do if you woke up one morning to find that your house
surrounded by bulldozers because it is scheduled for demolition in
order to make way for the advent of freeway traffic, only to find out
within the next hour that your entire planet is scheduled for
demolition to make way for the advent of intergalactic traffic? Well,
this is precisely the fix in which Arthur Dent finds himself, and it is
this fix which sends him on a hitchhikers "holiday" throughout the
galaxy, in search of a decent cup of tea.

Along the way we meet Ford Prefect, hitchhiker and journalist for "The
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" who sticks a fish in Arthur's ear,
Zaphod Beeblebrox, wacked out absentee president of the galaxy who has
just stolen the most sought after spaceship in the galaxy, Trillian
(Tricia MacMillan), an earthling from Arthur's past, and Marvin, the
paranoid and perpetually depressed android. Their adventures and
misadventures skipping about time and space along with an unfortunate
whale and a bowl of petunias are certain both to confuse and to amuse.

As you read, take heed of the invaluable and satirical remarks of The
Guide itself, avoid the beaurocratic Vogons and their excruciating
poetry like the plague, make sure to get yourself a pan-galactic gargle
blaster (an alcoholic drink that makes a Long Island Ice Tea seem like
diluted milk), and above all, when the book ends much too abruptly,
DON'T PANIC! Just pull out the next book and travel to "The Resteraunt
at the End of the Universe," the second volume of the five books in the
trilogy. -- Welcome to the wonderful Universe of Douglas Adams!

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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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- The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy

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