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The Storks
(Hans Christian Anderson)

The mother stork sat on the nest with her babies and father stork stood guard when the village children came out to play. A boy began to sing a cruel rhyme telling the storks to go home otherwise the first baby would hang, the second roasted, the third shot and the fourth stabbed. All the other children joined in but Peter didn?t like this and told his friends to stop but they ignored him and sang the rhyme every day. The baby storks were scared but the mother explained that they would soon be strong enough to fly from the nest and when their wings were stronger still, they would be able to fly to foreign lands, where the pyramids stand and there they would feast on frogs along the river.
The babies grew stronger and learnt to fly but still the children tormented them. They wanted revenge on the horrible children so the mother came up with a plan. For all the good children they would deliver a baby brother or sister but for the boy who started the rhyme he would get a dead brother. For Peter who was the best of all he would get a brother and a sister and all storks were forever to be called Peter.

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