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The Star Shine Down
(Sideny Sheldon)

This book is a magnificent story of a women tycoon, young,
beautiful and brilliant. As a real estate developer she makes her way to the
pinnacle exploiting the advantage of being a woman in the men?s world.

Her childhood was anything but good. Her father was a crook
married to a wealthy woman. He was a bitter man, who reveled in his bitterness.
Her mother died too early leaving her alone and lonely. Lara grew up hungry for
love. She hated her father and loved him at the same time, he was all she had.
After his death she was left all alone and confused. She took charge of her destiny.
She knew she was not responsible for her adversity and refuses to accept the
world and life as they were. Her childhood obsession to bury her terrible past
and succeed at any cost lead her into real estate business where she outshone
her competitors with her sensibility and manipulated her way to the top.
The real Lara was a lonely figure. She married a world class pianist who has sacrificed
his private life for his carrer.Both had their own planets. There life was so different.
Though they loved each other they could hardly find time together. She hated to
be away from him. This made her so desperate.

Lara had fulfilled her destiny but what she cannot foresee
was the secret forces bent on destroying all that she had created, everything
she valued in life. Her links with mafia landed her into trouble with the law.
Phillip her most treasured possession met with an accident when a roadside burglar
sliced his wrist while robbing him .Was it an accident or a desperate attempt
to keep him to her? Time was against her, and she was hell bent of fighting her
destiny. The thread of investigation lead the cops to one of her close
associate who was so much in love with her that he tried to do anything to see
her happy.

Alls well that ends well

This book is a magnificent story of passion, intrigue,
ambition and revenge.

Resumos Relacionados

- Little Women

- Cold Sassy Tree

- My Life

- She's Only Human

- Heaven

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