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Harry Potter
(Joanne Kathing Rowling)

Harry Potter is a J.K.Rowling's series of books about a young wizard.She wrote it in 1996.And this series became quickly a best-selling.It was published six parts:
1>Harry Potter and the Stone of Socery
2>Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secretery
3>Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
4>Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
5>Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenis
6>Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince
Harry Potter is also main character's name of this series.His parents are James Potter and Lily Evans.In the night,Lord Voldermort-a cruel wizard of the deepest dye,killed his parents,but Harry was survival and Voldermort vanished.No one knew why.Harry Potter became a famous kid,because at that moment,he was one year old.
Since then,he lived with his aunt's family.But they doesn't like him because they are very,very annoyed about the apprerance of a wizard in their family.
Then,Harry went to Hogwast School of Witchraff and Wizardry when he was eleven years old.Here,he saw Ronald Weasley (Ron) and Hermione Granger.And they became best friends.Harry became also a best seeker of Quitdich (a sport of wizards) for Gryffindor house (one midst four house of Hogwats School:Gryffindor,Hufflepuff,Ravenclaw and Slytherin).
In the first,the second school years,he saw also Lord Voldermort and he damaged jiggery-pokerys of Voldemort.At that moment,Voldermort depended only on others people.Th the third one,he saw his adapted father:Sirius Black.In the fourth one,Harry won in the "Three Socery".This is a competition among three champion of three school:Dumstrang,Beauxbatons and Hogwats.The champion of Dumstrang was Victor Krum,the one of Beauxbatons was Fleur Delacour and the one of Hogwats was Cedric Diggrodry.But,Harry became the fouth champion.His name sprung out of the Glass of Fire.Finally,Harry won,but Cedric was dead for Voldermort.Voldermort restored to life,and Harry witnessed it.Th the fifth one,Albus Dumbledor-head master of Hogwats School restored the Order of the Phoenis for fight against Voldermort.In this school year,Harry's adapted father:Sirius Black was dead.
Harry Potter is a famous person in the world of wizards,and also in the word of muggles.Of course,I am a crazy fan of Harry Potter seris.^_^

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