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Made In America

We all have heard of Wal-Mart, now meet the man behind it. SAM WALTON. Considered America?s Folk Hero, Sam Walton parlayed s single dime store in a hardscrabble cotton town into Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the World with billions of dollar sales every year along with 1.6 million associates worldwide. The undisputed merchant of the late twentieth century, Sam never lost the common touch. In his heroic biography, he tells his story, his passion for customer satisfaction in his own words.
Sam?s narration of his ambitions and achievements are straight from the heart. He makes no bones about his mistakes and emphasis the importance of sticking to one?s guns. Every person who dreams of building a great business must read this book, trust me it?s worth reading. It comes with self-awareness of what to expect and what not to expect ? how to deal with diversified situations and how to come out of them as winner.
Yet, for a biography this does not come across as a dry read. I was apprehensive when I thought of giving it a read as a corporate biography of a business tycoon, MADE IN America turned out to be fun. Packed with humorous personal incident, experiences and his unique conversational style, it does not begin to drone like any history read. It has a straight forward style that probably reflects Sam Walton?s trains on thoughts.
This is an inspiring read about an extraordinary success story about a man whose empire was built not with smoke and mirrors, but with hard work and unbreakable spirit. What captures the reader from the first page is the absolute candor with which Sam addresses his readers from the acknowledgement to the very end, this is one absorbing read. It is simple and pure reflection of the dynamic personality Sam Walton was. He is no longer with us, but his legacy will keep him alive. After all, Wal-Mart has become a part of life for the corporate America

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


