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(Katherine Paterson)

An amazing, spectacular book by Katherine Paterson shows how the world use to be like in the 1800s when clothes had to be wove. Kids my age had to work so hard just support their families as well as themselves. Today so much kids are selfish and don't truly apprehend the difference between now and then. They don't know how the world has changed and how much better it is now. However, instead of been satisfied they complain to the extent of wishing they were born in the 1800s or early 1900s. The book Lyddie had an impact on me that people might not easily understand for a reason or two.
When reading this story you have to be able to understand how she felt, why she felt that particular feeling and why she did those things that she felt was crucial and had to be done. Lyddie who happens to be the main character had to deal with the fact that her father that left her when she was merely a child was never coming back. Also she had to give up her family and the only place she could ever call a home. Through everything that the young lady passed through, she kept her head up thinking that everything would be better soon. Although her mother died and so did her younger sister she kept on doing her job. She was working at factory with other young girls and had to live them as well, leaving her family.
Lyddie has always thought of herself as the producer and caretaker of her family. When her mother decided that they needed money she sent her and her younger brother Charlie to work at two different factories for just $.5 in two week. Charlie easily became comfortable with the family he was living with. Although Lyddie was still getting used to hers, she wasn?t truly happy with her host. Lyddie had to work in a place that was so hot that a number of the girls there were getting ill. This novel can?t be explained, it can only be read to be fully understood the thoughts and true feelings of this young, adventurous lady. What she passes through it to be a lesson not to only adult but to every one of all ages. This novel has a message and by reading it you can feel the tension.
The only way to understand it is to read between the lines and be ready to think like the people of back then. Most kids I know have read this and seem to think of it as a boring, uninteresting, probably stupid novel. Yet, I still feel this way about it and that?s why I feel people should read it and try to read it in a form that could help you to understand it. Not just for the fun o fit, but for the understanding that it might bring to you and the future generations of the world that needs to understand and take in situations such as this. So I truly hope everyone takes a time out to read this novel.

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