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The Possibility Of A Poetic Drama

T.S. Elliot is a very analytical writer. He has a tendancy to pick things apart and give you every discription he can to help you to understand exactly what he wants you to in his work. The Possibility Of A Poetic Drama is classic T.S. Elliot. He is picking apart the world of writing and whether or not it is society that wants certain types of drama or whether it is the writing community that can not write them. ofcourse, he feels that it is not the writers who can not seem to write them or lack the talent but it is society dictating what they want in drama. This brings to mind the age old question of supply and demand. If society wants a poetic drama, he feels that someone out there should be able to write it. This whole piece goes through the history of writing through different eras of time and how society had affected who was a great writer and who wasn't. Whether it be comedy, drama, poetic or not, it will be the people who read it or see it that will decide whether it is great at time or not. He is only trying to establish when poetic drama may become popular. I believe this to be true of any writing. There is always a place and a tiem that it will become popular, but that does not mean that if its not popular now that it should not be written. It may only become popular after it has been published and one person begins to like to like and spreads the word. Society does dictate what is popular at the time, but as society changes, so does popularity. T.S. Elliot voices that well in this piece and I would expect no less from him.

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