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According to Oxford dictionary science is a branch of knowledge requiring systematic study and method, esp. dealing with substances, life, and natural laws. So science categorizes everything, which exists as known, unknown and unknowable. Known is the science, unknown is that on which scientists work and will be known in due course of time and there is nothing such as unknowable in the field of science. According to the scientists there can?t be any mystery in this world and sooner or later the science has the capability to reveal that mystery by using scientific methods. The scientific community tries to create scientific temperament among the general masses by asking the people to inquire about everything that exists and asks them to reject those things which does not have RATIONAL explanation. Believe in what you can see (e.g. light), feel (e.g. your body) and hear (e.g. sound vibration). To be more precise scientists assert that believe only on your senses, that which can be perceived by our senses is scientifically possible, is rational otherwise it is a myth and should be discarded as blind faith.

Should a scientist believe in God? The question, which baffles the student community these
days. God cannot be perceived by our senses and till now there has been no scientific instrument, which can detect the presence of God in the cosmos. The common answer, which one gets, from most of the students are that Religion is FAITH and Science is REALITY.

Faith is to accept without inquiring, put trust without probing and acknowledge without prying. In other words Religion or accepting God or believing in some supernatural power is considered to be irrational which is based on some wild imagination. Is accepting God really irrational? Do
science have the potential to explain everything that exists in the entire cosmos? Does science does not make any assumptions?

Though the reality of time, especially in the form of its effect on us is undeniable, time is one among the many fundamental truths of life that defy scientific definition. Be that as it may, we measure time by the movement of the cosmic bodies. As per current scientific understanding, one year is the time in which the earth completes one revolution around the sun. For an object orbiting continuously in a circular path, no point on the orbit can be considered special. So scientifically there?s nothing ?New? when we celebrate the New Year; the earth is going to continue in its same old path!

2) Mathematicians throughout the world work with an imaginary number, which is the square root of minus 1.Important branches of mathematics ?for example, the theory of analytical function ?, are based on this imaginary unit. Without the help of this branch of mathematics, various complex theories and problems cannot be solved. Thus the existence of this number cannot be denied, yet there is no experimental proof of its existence.

3) Another scientific theory that is beyond the limit of experimental science is Heisenberg?s
uncertainty principle. In mathematical language, it is stated that the product of the uncertainties in the measured values of the position and momentum (product of mass and velocity) cannot be smaller than Plank?s constant. No existing experimental technique can prove this principle. However, scientists all over the world accept this statement as fact, knowing that the experimental proof is beyond their ability.

4) Similarly there is no scientific experiment to prove the Third law Of Thermodynamics. This law as formulated by Planck, states that the entropy of a perfect crystal at absolute zero degrees is equal to zero. Factually there is no means available for measuuring directly the absolute entropies. Therefore the proof of this law is beyond the realm of experimental science.

Sir Isaac Newton had a small scale model of solar system, which was placed on a table in
his room .The model was perfectlydesigned and everything rotated and orbited when a crank was turned. When one of his friend show it he immediately inquired about the artisan who had made it so beautiful. Newton with all seriousness replied, the previous night some explosion took place in my house. And this solar system was formed. The friend was not at all amused. Finally Newton explained, ? You refuse to believe that this puny contraption came about by chance and yet you are convinced that the great original, the actual solar system, of which
this mechanism is only a model has come into being by BIG BANG without either a designer or a maker.?

Now tell me, by what sort of reasoning do you reach such an absurd conclusion. Obviously all
these things are happening as per the laws of nature, but can there be any law without a lawmaker? The very presence of a law implies the presence of a lawmaker who imposes the law. Even a simple road sign that regulates traffic has an originator and a controller. What then of the great comprehensive laws that governs this entire universe? Such brilliantly conceived laws surely bear witness to a brilliant lawmaker. Thus any human being with a little common
sense will surely try to look beyond science and will definitely try to come out with some logical solution.

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