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(Ojo Oluwaseun A)

The best way to Handle Anger
The emotion called anger may be described in so many ways, but it must be regarded as a behavior that may be stamped out by punishing it or at least by not being rewarded .Infact we say that the frustration of motives, injury and insults or when talk of imitation of anger in others may bring out this behavior. When the immediate need is disturbed or ongoing activities being restrained this may result into the act that person will not want to do.
The things people do and the things they do not change with the age the causes of the anger changes too .In an infant simple restraint on frustrates activity and exploratory motives brings out anger but with an adult or when base on education or religions inclination, it takes another dimension. There are various points we need to know concerning anger.
S.S.Chauhan said in his findings during adolescence period he observed that anger is most often provoked by persons rather than things and that anger is easy aroused when one is tired or hungry. If an adolescent activities are thwarted or provoked by others.
CAUSESOF ANGER ARE: Rules pertaining to dress, differences between parents and adolescents, restriction on movements close supervision, parental traits drunkard, gambling e.t.c, unjust criticism by parents ,Being treated like a child, troubles with brothers and sisters, being teased ,being unfair, things not going right sarcasm ,boss ness e.t.c.
Direct expressions of anger are; crying verbal aggression, gossip, tattling slander, teasing and scaring.
Concealed expression of anger; this is a tendency to store up anger not feeling its shape edge at the moment of provocation but then riled by it later, this appears frequently among adolescents . Stored up anger appears when a person who has been offended without striking back think on a snappy come back an hour or days after the occurrence.
In adolescence anger is frequently manifest in fantasies and dreams. Violence of proxy adolescence may substitute aggression through television, movies and reading materials
Displaced anger, when adolescent does not feel free to express his anger directly against his offender, parents or more powerful adult he will frequently direct his anger at someone or something else, he may turn against objects for example, smashing something when angered by a person whom he does not want to attack openly or he may direct his anger against animals when he hurts the family cat or kill ants, bugs, flies, he may turn his anger to siblings .He may induced at home vice versa.
Suppose adolescent is rebuked by the teacher for not completing his home assignment he may express his suppressed anger in the home against his mother or sibling.
Anger may be direct against self sometimes when an adolescent does not find any means to release hi anger he directs his anger to himself

There is great need to control the emotion of anger in all people mostly in adolescents because an angry adolescent can be changed into happy and self respecting individual through the application of appropriate stimulation by those with whom he work and socializes. In childhood, to disapprove the situation new and appropriate stimuli should be provided to help the adolescents regain their self respect. The needs for sympathetic treatment are required to protect their ego. The adult should try to understand the background of the anger rousing situation and provocative should be reduced. The use of praise should be made to minimize the occurrences of anger whenever possible.
The instruction from God?s word make clear that caution taking as regard s to language, for the use of word may be the source or origin of anger .When we take the counsel as it has being related in the scripture, we will see it as the best methods because it covers both horizontal and vertical dimension of human sustenance .Let us see some of the texxts, in Prov.20:3 It is honorable for a man to stop striving since any fool can start quarrel,(Ps. 15 : 1) A soft answer turn away wrath but a hash word turns up anger here we see two separate lines all we need to do is to stick to the best (soft word)
Prov. 17:14. The beginning of strife is like releasing water therefore so is contention before a quarrel start. The action of a person matters a lot Ps 106:29 So they provoked him to anger with their deeds .When we see how God react to prophet Jonah?s behavior by the use of ironical word, it is right for you to be angry, there we see him finishing himself in the mood of anger .Eph.4:26 Be angry and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your anger. The text here encourage anger on condition, costly though we should not give it room in our mind, let all bitterness, wrath, anger be put away from you.Eph.4:31.I say the God of heaven will render us a blessing to both young, old, and make His face to shine upon us and give us peace which we need. Amen.

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