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2005 Guide To Literary Agents
(Kathryn S. Brogan)

2005 Guide to Literary Agents
This book is from the editors of Writer?s Market and is published by Writer?s Digest Books. The editor of this reference book is Kathryn S. Brogan. In total it is 362 pages of helpful information for aspiring writers, professional writers, or anyone who has created a piece of writing and needs help in finding a place for it to be published. Unlike the writers Guide which offers publishers contact information, this book focuses on literary agents and also script agents for both stage and screen. Of course this book does not appeal to everyone, it is a book for those about to torture themselves by entering the life of the written word?the labyrinth of publishing?the purgatory of self exposure?the pendulum like frustrating existence of a word slinger. In essence, literary agents perform the task of explaining to the king that he is not only naked, but grossly overweight and hideous. Every Writer believes their little creation is wonderful and magical; much like a new parent staring at their tiny newborn baby with such a blinding sense of accomplishment that they can hardly realize the child is alien-like, slimy and reeking of diaper droppings. Agents see the writing of their clients for what it is, a diamond in the rough or a lump of coal in the Christmas stocking, and they tell it like it is.
This book does not simply list the agents and give all their contact information, it goes well beyond offering about 45 pages of format advice, contact tips, even hints on how best to approach the agency which could help you best and even ranking the agents by level of accessibility. In truth this is one of the most helpful and in-depth reference books that anyone could buy and it better be because it is $24.99 for the paper back version.
Now if you are still reading this, I?m going to assume that you are a writer and if you are then let me point out the most important fact that this book states: approximately 80 percent of books published by the major houses are sold through an agent. Now basically, this means it?s time to look for representation and this book is the one that will put you on the trail of a good one.
The book is so conveniently constructed, with section tabs printed on the edge of the pages for ease of reference, and a logical structure so that finding what your looking for is a kin to, if not completely, common sense. The primary categories of the book are as followed: before you start, narrow your list, contacting agents, before you sign, literary agents, script agents, production companies, script contests, independent publicists, writers conferences, resources, and an index.
I would say that Kathryn Struckel Brogan has done a fabulous job of putting together this reference book and I hope if you buy it you will earn back the investment plus interest.

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