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The Great Gatsby
(F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Fitzgerald tells the story of a wealthy man who, while grown up and extremely sophisticated remained nothing but a boy. This is can be seen throughout the book as the character is seen to live a life that resembles an expected life rather than an actual life. It deals with the issue of absence and fondness and how, when something is taken from us, we often remember it for more than it is. In the case of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald takes this concept even further and takes our hero down a road where the values and ideals in his own life is adjusted according to this false and over romanticized memory.

On a different level, Fitzgerald plays what can be argued, the Freudian reality principle against the pleasure principle. A world of social acceptance, the reality of here and now and an objective sophistication is used as the reality principle while standing opposed to this, is the world of abundance, a relentless pursuit of happiness and pleasure and a certain innocence that, to this day, I?ve only seen in the mystical and aloof attitude of fantasy writers.

Although I found the story to deal largely with abstract ideas, I cannot argue that Fitzgerald painted his picture on a very real canvass. The story is portrayed in the Golden Years of the American economy. Men where handsome, ladies were pretty and bootleggers were in abundance.

With his accurate portrayal of this world, Fitzgerald succeeded in creating a story where the avid reader can merely sit back and enjoy a tale of love and more philosophical readers can take time to pick the world apart. All in all I?d have to say that, although emotionally tiring from time to time, I found this work from Fitzgerald to be a good read and well worth my time.

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