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Heretics Of Dune
(Frank Hebert)

1500 years have elapsed since Leto the Second?s death and true to his prophecies the human race has scattered through the Universe as his death was followed by a Famine period. During those long years, Dune, now called Rakis has regained its previous dessert status with worms and sietchs. But now the situation has been complicated as the worms have a pearl of wisdom inherited from Leto making it more difficult to the new Fremen to survive in the deep dessert. Outside Dune the situation has also changed, there are no longer houses neither Emperor as this kind of government disappeared long ago. Now the galaxy is governed by Bene Gesserit, Bene Tleilax and Ixians and other lesser powerful groups as the Spatial Guild and the Fish Speakers council. This triumvirate is threatened by the returning of the Scattered and their new power groups, specially the Honoured Matres and a new power that has been created in Rakis due to Sheeana (Shiona?s descendent) appearance. The Honoured Matre seem to be twisted Bene Gesserit that have improved their combat techniques and their sexual control of men, while Sheeana is a small child (which will grow into an intelligent teenager) that can control Rakis new worms. On the meanwhile the Bene Gesserit have been educating some generations of Duncan Idaho gholas with the purpose of attracting the announced Leto's descendent who will be able to control the worms, meaning Sheeana while trying to broke Leto's Golden Path. The Bene Tleilax, on their part, who have managed to manufacture spice in their axlotl tanks, plan to overtake Bene Gesserit and Ixians and govern the galaxy alone with the help of their improve Face Dancers and their religious believes.
In order to implement and protect the plan, Mother Superior Taraza brings Bashar Miles Teg, a Mentat who has the same aspect that Leto Atreides the first, out of retirement and sends him to Gammu (previously Giedi Prime) together with young Imprinter Lucilla to teach Duncan Idaho. Disgracefully for Mother Superior, there is a small minority within the Bene Gesserit that is against the ghola project and this minority is leaded by Reverent Mother Schwangyu. This Reverent Mother has managed to alter the Bene Gesserit ghola project by making Duncan Idaho hate the Bene Gesserit, something Lucilla tries to change by seducing Duncan. Taraza also decides to send Darwi Odrade to Rakis in order to teach and educate young Sheeana and introduce the girl to the Bene Gesserit live.
On the meanwhile Tleilaxu Master Waff meets with Honoure Matre and learns how those new women control men, a secret Bene Tleilax guard to themselves expecting to gain an advantage against Bene Gesserit.
Before Odrade?s arrival to Rakis, the Priesthood is having problems as a small minority within the Priesthood is against Sheeana's influence because she has banished some of the most deadly punishments and insists in calling Shai-Hulud, Shaitan. After an attack against Sheeana, the Bene Gesserit take control of Raki´s Priesthood thus giving them the perfect opportunity to enchant Sheena thanks to Odrade?s skills. At the same time, an unexpected attack on Gammu compels Lucilla, Duncan Idaho and Miles Teg to flee and hide in a Harkonnen no-globe Teg?s aide-de-camp Patrin found when he was young. During their stay in the no-globe Teg profits to awaken Duncan?s pre-ghola memories before Lucilla completes her assignment thus making it impossible for her to imprint Duncan as this last knows what her plans are.
Some meetings with the Bene Tleilax make the Bene Gesserit to reevaluate their knowledge of this race. Taraza and Odrade, with Sheeana's help, conclude that the Bene Tleilax are using gholas among their Masters and that they have a similar religion to the religion Paul Maub'Dib constructed so long ago. Odrade, following Taraza?s orders in her own imaginative way, reaches an agreement with the Bene Tleilax promising them surrogate mothers for the axlotl tanks in exchange information concerning the Honoured Matre.
Back to Gammu, thanks to Teg´s best student Burzmali finds Teg, Lucilla and Duncan after a long frustrating search. During the rescue operation they are attacked and Lucilla and Duncan have to escape while Teg contains their enemies. This last is taken prisoner by the Honoured Matres and tortured until his experiences something akin to Reverent Mother?s agony during which he gains a new ability: he can speed his mental and physical reactions. Teg uses this new ability to escape and destroy the Honoured Matres that have tortured him and go to Rakis before the Matres destroy the planet. For their part Lucilla and Duncan capture young Honoured Matre Murbella thanks to Duncan ability to enslave Murbella during a sex act.
Taraza travels to Rakis undecided whether to kill Odrade for her decision to ally herself with the Bene Tleilax but she does not act because she is killed in a sudden attack on Keen where Odrade and Sheeana were waiting her arrival. By sharing Taraza's memories Odrade converts into the temporary leader to the Bene Gesserit and decides to flee to the dessert with a giant worm together with Sheeana and Tleilaxu Master Waff. They are saved by Teg who has seen them in his vision and who collects them in the dessert. During the battle Rakis is destroyed.

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