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(Christopher Pike)

Since the coming of the newly popular Harry Potter books, there have been an overshadowing of young adult novels that were not compaired to these insanly loved books. The truth is that there are quite a few decent young adult novels that have absalutly nothign to do with magic or a young wizard's existance ina world that doesn't understand him. The first edition of Sati was published in October of 1990, but the firast mass printing occured almost a year following this. Now what readers need to understand is that Christopher Pike dabled in all sorts of different types of themes for his stories instead of sticking to just vampires things about afterlife. The book Sati is about neither vampires nor is it to deal with afterlife, except in small doses, but it has a great story line and a moral lesson. In the book a truck driver, Michael Winters, is driving down the highway late at night to get back home to his apartment when he saw a woman standing on the side of the road. Well that was the beginning of everything that was destined to happen to this man. What I love about Christopher Pike is that al of his charactors have a real personality and real reactions to the things that happen to or around them, even if the dialog is a little stilted at times. So after this woman, Sati, tells Michael that she's God, past being skeptical, he tries to find out where she really came from and why she was here. He finds that all of his friends; the boy with the horrible acne, his friend who has aids, Michael's daughter, and Michael's divorced wife all fall in love with Sati and find reasons to believe that she is indeed God, although she never does anything too amazing. There is heartache, love, laughter, and tears to be shed by the ending of this book. I know that the reader will fall in love with the charactors and they will just sponge off of the message in the paper of this 276 page book.

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