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The Pilot's Wife
(Anita Shreve)

Kathryn Lyons thought that her and her husband Jack, who was a pilot had a very honest and loving marriage. They've been together since Kathryn was eighteen years old. She is now thiry five years old. Kathryn and Jack had a little girl together fifteen years ago. Jack, being a pilot had a very inconsistent schedule. One week he'd be home, then the next Jack would be gone for three to four days at a time. It was a little hard on Kathryn at first, but after years of Jack's schedule, she got used to it. Jack and Kathryn would make their plans around his work schedule. It became routine for Kathryn. Then one cold and rainy night Robert comes to her door, to give her news that would turn Kathryn and her daughter' world upside down. He came to tell her that Jack's plane, that he'd been flying that night had crashed. Kathryn thought that was the end of her and her fifteen year old daughter's world. Kathryn was determined that her and her daughter would survive. Kathryn was a very strong and determined woman. Her parents had gotten into a car accident thirty years ago and died, so Kathryn grew up with her very tough grandmother. She grew up with nothing and now had everying she's dreamed of, until tonight.

Come to find out, months down the road, the plane crash was no accident. Kathryn had to find out how and why the crash happend. After playing detective, and with Robert helping her finding out what happened that rainy night, Kathryn found out some things about Jack that was shocking. Parts of his life that she never knew about. After 20 years with Jack, she never really knew him at all, which both angered and saddened her. This book is a definate page turner. A book well worth reading.

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