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Women In Italy-then And Now

Woman, the weak sex, was born to be a housewife. Above all, a Woman must be mother, wife and housewife. Many years ago women represented the traditional role. She ws financially dependent on her husband, and did not have the possibilty to change her life. The conservative woman is a domestic slave; she must do all the domestic work herself, and does not have much free time. She must think of everyone, and with the husband and children the work does not run out. Her work is hard, tiring, and heavt, but in modern society to be a housewife does not mean to do nothing or to be unemployed. Before, all women were reserved because woman did not hae the same rights and had had a different role to man.

Today, woman has liberated herself from the traditional role in oreder tomake her own path in life.The woman of today is independent and emancipated. She does not stay at home all day looking after the family. Often, the woman will have a job outside the house in order to support herself. The woman today says that she does not lose human contact with other people, and that she feels closed off when she stays at home all day long. The woman of today has the ame rights of men, but in fact this is not always the case. For example, in the south of Italy many women have to stay at home and look after their family alone.

Man was born to leave the house, and to do a job outside of it. His work is to maintian his family. He is the boss, the head of the family and wants to decide everything.

Woman was born to stay at home. She must do all the domestic chores. Women's work involves ironing, taking the dog out, making the beds, cleaning, cooking, dusting and especially sewing and doing the shopping. Only women know how to do these things, because it is impossible for a man to do the domestic chores. Wahing the floors, washing the sheets, drying the sheets belongs to the woman, because it was her job for centuries. When a woman goes out to work it is said that the man cannot look after all the family and this damages his pride.

The emanciption of woman.
As everyone knows, women legally have the same rights as men. But in reality, one does not get this imporession. Today there are women managers, women who have careers in politics, and even female scientists, women pilots, women designers, etc.
It is very difficult for the women of southern Italy toemancipate themselves. In the south women have to wear only black clothes, they have to cover their skin nd their destiny should be to always stay at home and be a housewife. But today even the women from the South have begun to emancipate themselves, and what's more, the young girls are escaping from the traditions of the South to the North where they can find more opportunity to study and to become better educated. Sometimes one finds that even in the South there are women who take up a highly prestigious position.

What is also noticeable is a decrease in the number of infants, which is probably caused by people who who want to have a career and do not have to look after children. If both husband and wife work then there is often a fight over who is to be the housewife. There is also the problem that men do not really want to accept this emancipation and who think that to clean, cook and look after children and iron is all women's work, because only they are designed for domestic chores.

If a family has small chidren, it is better for the woman to stay at home, because if the children are at home, they have to cook, some times they are looked after by others, and do not have anyone with whom they can talk, and children need to talk.

Instead a woman who works earns her own money, she can decide herself what she buys, and is also more self confident, and more satisfied. They can have a career in the political world, they can have an important role, and they can have aot of prestige.

8th Marc, The Festival of Women.
There is a festival of women, which is celebrated each year on the 8th March. It lebrates women and emanciapation. Women walk the streets chanting "Women, the protagonists of the festival"
But one must add that even this festival gets abused by polilticians and other people who want to publicise themselves and who haveno sense of festival.

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