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Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
(Dahl, Roald)

An excellent story filled with unlimited childhood visions. Any and every child and adult alike will enjoy this story, brimming with visuals that will make your mouth water and eagerly heading to the nearest candy, ice cream, or novelty store for anything that will satisfy the sweet cravings received after reading the story. From chocolate rivers, to candy flowers, to just about anything one could ever imagine in terms of being transported into a candy world, this book has it, and then some. Intermixed within the colorful images of sweet delights is a story of hope and need, which affords the readers sympathy for the main character, Charlie, and gives belief that character traits like honesty and unselfishness can indeed co-exist. This is demonstrated through the four additional characters who join Charlie in the chocolate factory. In fact, with each subsequent characters unfortunate removal from the chocolate factory, we get to sing a song with the "Oompa Loompas" as they chronicle the eventual sad turn they these characters take, emphasizing their bad qualities. Books like these need to be reinforced today in American children, as they lack quite a few of these important characteristics and morals. Perhaps with an "old school" approach with books such as "Charlie and the chocolate factory", we can try to reconnect with the young children of today before they get older and more consumed with greed and selfishness. This book is by no means a replacement for good old parenting, but parents should share with young children books such as these to help stir an already blooming imagination that children have. This is a must have in my own home, and should be a must have in all homes.

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- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

- Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

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