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(Paulo Coelho)

The last book of Paulo Coelho, the world famous brazilian writer
published in 150 countries,is arrived on Spring 2005.It is devoted to
the search of the real nature of the love, a wild power destroying us
if we try to control it or making us slaves if you try to lock up .
His third wife ,Esther,,journalist of war just returned
from Iraq, disappeared from Paris with her passeport and after the
withdrawal of some money from the bank. If the formal investigation of
the police frees the writer from any responsibility he is forced to
explore three alternative reasons of this diappearence, the rape or the
trap by an informer or a spontaneous forsaking owing to another younger
man. He must recognize the first two conjectures are very weak, the
first because she clearly prepared the departure, the second because
she was used to inform the husband about the details of her dangerous
activity. Notwithstanding a male reluctance the husband must admit the
third alternative is the most likely even because he
remembers her different attitude after the meeting with a man
whose he know the name, Mikhail,the age, five years younger of
the wife, and the task of interpreter in some Asian countries.
But is it enough to broke a marriage ten years old and a deep
reciprocal disclosure? Esther becomes the zahir, a word with different
possible meanings but in the symbolic mind of Coelho, a reason of his
charm,only the obsession of understanding the unexpected change of his
wife. The writer will find Mikhail even living and
working in Paris as actor of some strange shows of personal energy:
Mikahail willl become a precious ally informed about the destination of
his wife, a middleman in the interpretation of events and in the
preparation of a long journey to Croatia and to Kazakhistan to meet
maybe Esther in the steppe:it will happen in the Tengri area, where
Tengri means a religion without religion, the belief of the nomads God
is in each place and in each time.

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- The Zahir

- The Zahir

- The Zahir

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- The Zahir

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