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The Real Woman In A Man's Life
(Emmanuel Emesakoru)

'I want this relationship ended!" he blurted out.
'I still love you and want to spend my life with you," she pleaded vainly in return.
"Can't you see you and me are no longer compatible...? Things don't move the way they ought to be."

"That's how the relationship between Tunde and I came to an end. At first I thought we're in love but he showed me we weren't meant to be. Nightly I'd cry. Daily I sobbed endlessly and then the last words he whispered the last time we saw replayed on my mind. It toyed with my heart's frailty. I didn't realize I couldn't do without him until I lost him to prying eyes," confesses Bimbo, a close friend of mine.

"Bimbo you're not the real woman in my life. You're not the one my heart truly deserves," Tunde spoke succintly.

Bimbo managed to ask feebly, "Why Tunde?" But he had turned abruptly away from her and sauntered out of her room and out of her life forever.
Bimbo states,"Yesterday night I was in my room and the words, 'real woman' got stuck firmly in my hearts of heart. Inasmuch as I tried to reveal those words, I was unable. I'd had a chat with my confidante, Emmanuel Emesakoru and he has the following to share with you about the 'real woman'. They were words I never thought about. They were things I failed to realize while Tunde was still here. Please read carefully out of the little he has to share and see what you fail to do in your relationship and why your man get's easily irked!"

The real woman in a man's life is that woman who accepts him just the way he is and at such respects him accordingly. She doesn't shout at him or retorts when he speaks. She maintains her calm and cries afterward. One thing you fail to realize here is: " When a real woman cries in front of the 'real guy' I told you about sometime ago, she weakens him and brings him back to his senses. He pauses for a point in time and wished he never shouted at you and then he'll come again longing to consolably talk to you. "Love is magical and at such grants this." When your man notices you're the 'tit-for-tat' kind of girl, he treats you with little or no respect. He's opened-eyed when he slaps you and owes you no apology because you have broken this principle, "A man ought not to be looked down upon!"

Love is humble, wise and decent, thus it encourages us to be under whomsoever we love in obedience and sincerity of heart. Your real guy will cherish you say, "darling, a tout accosted me while I was returning. He behaved really funny around me". And he'll cry hearing you say, "Traffic congestion caused everything - that's why I came home late."

Do you realize how precious you are to him? Do you feel he should be lied to on all stands? No! A true, real guy deserves all the gentleness and sincere affection that there can be. "When you hurt either sexes that is soaked in the depths of true love, he or she turns around and hurts a thousand that are innocent." It's a simple case that clearly expresses Newton's third law, "Action and reaction are equal and opposite!"

The real girl is not materialistic! Whatever her guy is, she is proud of and takes it gladfully to her heart, knowing one day they'll soar to the sky. Hopefully, she sticks to him although he's gotten no fame. Prayerfully, she loves him more. She closes her eyes to the reasons her friend pose and doesn't allow them influence her. The real girl never allows the opinion of others alter the love she has for him. Rather when tough time beckons; she stands solidly beside him and will refuse to desert him even if he insists.

"Get out of my life!" an angry guy will flame.
"Please my breasts are out of form. Do you mind fondling them into shapes before I do", A real girl will answer. She poses a high sense of humor and things always work in her favour when she uses word wisely. Do you understand the powerful words the real girl uttered up there? If he's real, ceratinly it'd quell his heart and a bring a smile to his face. , "Two wrongs do not make it right," and thus she cherishes whatever she owns in him.

When he offers gifts, no matter how small they're, she accepts them truly. She doesn't fret! She accepts whatever gift he offers and doesn' demand unnecessarily. She understands he mustn't kill himself to provide her with whatever he can't afford and when she has enough, she doesn't withhold. She understands this axiom, "Love is sharing!"

And when he asks for SEX he doesn't deserve when they not married, the real girl talks real sense into him and if he's real he accepts! If he doesn't, she walks away loving him still for the few moments he spent in her life.
Summarily, the real girl is loving, caring, sharing, truthful, trustworthy, understanding and... What more can I say? Are you one?

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