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The Naked Sun
(Isaac Asimov)

Isaac Asimov, the grandfather of science fiction, sends his

detective Elijah Baley, usually called Lije or Partner

Elijah, and his human-like robot partner Daneel Olivaw, whom

we first met in Caves of Steel, to the planet Solaria to

solve a murder in The Naked Sun, the second book of his

trilogy on worlds populated with humans and robots.

It?s an open and shut case since the customs of this

particular planet trim the suspect list down to one.

However, it?s not quite what it appears to be. Baley shows

the Solarians that easy assumptions and a reliance on

received knowledge can lead to false conclusions as he leads

them through the fundamental but necessary steps of

detection: motive, means, and opportunity.

Baley must wrestle with his own demons, too. He is on a

planet where the inhabitants are not enclosed in a

Plexiglass-like bubble as on Earth, but live their lives

under a naked sun. Baley must conquer his own fears in order

to solve the case. Asimov always has his main characters

conquer fear and prejudice so they can move to the next

level in their development.

Although it appears at one point that Baley is trying to

push Daneel to the side, Asimov shows us how both the human

and the human-like robot must combine strengths to find the

murderer. Daneel beats Baley in a game of wits to point the

way to methods the murderer may have used to kill the

Asimov does not disappoint. There are mind games for those

interested in logic and reasoning, and complex human

interaction and character development for those interested

in literature. There?s even a hint of a love interest for

the usually quite faithful Baley. The Naked Sun is a fine

novel with a surprising ending.

Resumos Relacionados

- Face To The Sun

- The Naked Sun

- The Robots Of Dawn

- The Robots Of The Dawn

- The Robots Of The Dawn

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