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Great Expectations

On Great Expectations

Reading Great Expectations allowed me to notice that Charles Dickens gives the novel characters of youthful ages. Dickens places these characters in situations that give a heightened dimension to the novel. Both Pip and Estella are orphaned. Pip and Estella also live in less than desirable conditions. . It is hard for me to imagine an adult being manipulative to any degree of a child. Sadly, though, the exploitation of children does exist. Children are so trusting. For someone to misplace the trust that children freely give, diminishing that twinkle in their eye, frightens me. Pip?s sister is abusive to Pip and Joe. Mrs. Havisham also uses Estella as her mouthpiece of revenge against the male gender because of the deceit and scandal surrounding her duplicitous engagement.
The elements aforementioned that Dickens places in Great Expectations are concerns that draw me to the novel. I want people to read about characters such as the Gargery?s and Havisham?s in order to examine the inappropriateness of their behavior. Great Expectations is a work that can teach moral lessons. It exposes a terrible aspect of our society while simultaneously allowing a discourse of important issues. Great Expectations explores the relationship of women and men in a unique and subtle way. It is clear that Joe is, like Pip, ?brought up by hand?. He endures abuse from his wife. Domestic violence on the male by the female is often viewed as a taboo subject. It is not masculine for a man to allow himself to be hit by a woman. Because of the stigma associated with domestic abuse of the male, the issue becomes even more dangerous as men refuse to discuss the subject, allowing the cycle to continue. I think that Great Expectations is an important book. It is more than the story we get on a first reading. If the reader looks closely, the novel reveals so much more.

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