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Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution
(Atkins, Robert C. MD.)

It is fairly easy to sum up this book to someone who is interested solely in the diet and not the scientific explanations for its implication. This is a low carb, high protein/fat diet. Let me say that I am neither praising nor condemning this diet. A person attempting this diet is advised to consult a physician before hand, as with all diets. That being said New Diet Revolution claims that you should be able to lose a large sum of weight in a fairly short period of time. Say, 10% of your body weight in the first month. (exp. if 140 lbs. then would lose 14lbs.) The bulk of this weight would be in the first 2 weeks due to water weight and the induction process.

The induction process is supposed to be executed the first 14 days of diet and you are only allowed to eat 15 grams of carbohydrates daily. These carbs should come from healthy, natural sources such as; vegetables, nuts, ect. Although I don't agree with it, fruits are prohibited during the induction due to natural sugar. You are allowed an unlimited amount of protein and fat.( I also don't agree with unlimited fat either, but this isn't an opinion, it's a summary.) According to the book how much you lose is decided by your metabolism and how much you have to lose. (i.e.the more you have to lose and the higher your metabolism the more weight you will lose.)

After the iduction process one is advised to increase their carbohydrate intake by 5 grams daily every 1-2 weeks until they reach a comfortable weight loss point. Which basically means til you only lose around 2 lbs. a week. This is your more long term diet phase, the book says to continue this way until you have merely 5-10 lbs. to lose at which point you would increase carbs again to slow weight loss. I should also note that you are able to subtract fiber carbs from your daily allowance.(exp. if 20 carbs and 3 fiber than it only = 17 carbs.)

I want to add that one should be carefully when ending this diet because its supposed to bevery easy to gain weight back if you eat more carbs.( most weight gained would be fat as well) I suggest regular exercise and whole foods ( natural fruits and veggies, and whole grain) which contain fiber. It is supposed to be very hard to gain weight if you eat the reccommended daily fiber which is 20-25 grams. You should also drink water not only is it good for your body, its amazing for your skin. It will make your skin plump, clear, and youthful. Many people consider it to be the single best thing to consume for your health and appearance. Don't drink too much 8-12 8 oz. glasses a dat should do, more if you exercise alot.

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- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

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