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Great Expectations
(Charles Dickens)

The main protagonist of this novel is Philip Pirrip (Pip) who lives
with his sister and brother-in-law, Joe, who is a blacksmith. They are
not very rich and Joe has thought of making Pip his apprentice.The
novel opens up by an encounter between Pip and Abel Magwitch, who is a
run away criminal. This meeting takes place when Pip is very small. Pip
not only helps Magwitch by giving him food but also doesn?t inform the
police about his whereabouts. Eventually the police catch Magwitch and
they part ways.As Pip becomes older, he gets a job at Miss.
Havisham?s mansion. She is a very rich lady but has been deceived by
her lover on the wedding day. She can never get over it. Hence, she
always dresses up as a bride and her main intention is see a beautiful
girl hurting a young man by not loving him back. She has an adopted
daughter, Estella, whom she has trained to be vain. Pip falls in love
with her but she keeps hurting him by going out with other men but not
with Pip, as desired by Miss Havisham. One day Pip finds out
through the lawyer, Mr. Jaggers, that he has inherited money from an
unknown benefactor. He is sent to the city for further education. He
gets a chance of becoming a gentleman. Pip believes that the unknown
benefactor is Miss Havisham who wants to make him desirable for
Estella. As he goes on with his studies he starts feeling ashamed of
his background. He looks down upon Joe as he is nothing but just a
blacksmith. He starts drifting apart from his old friends, especially
Joe.The climax of the novel is when Pip finds out that his
benefactor was not Miss Havisham but Abel Magwitch who is trying to
return his favor. This makes Pip realize that he was becoming a
gentleman with the help of a criminal. And that he too was not
extraordinary. He was just among them. The rest of the novel deals with
how Pip goes back to Joe and his old friends. Great
Expectations by Charles Dickens is a very relevant novel in today?s
time too. People have unrealistic expectations in life. And the way
they come to terms with their reality is not always favorable. The
character of Pip has a hard time accepting the fact and is full of
regret to feel that he was above others. It?s a beautiful novel dealing
with human nature.

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- Great Expectations

- Great Expectations

- Great Expectations

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