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Harry Potter And Sorcerer's Stone
(J.K Rowling)

This is a very interesting book. Harry Potter is a plain skinny kid who was orphaned when he was a small child. In this tell he is surprised to find out that his parents were not killed in a car wreck after all. They were murdered by a wizard who was a dark lord , and infact they were wizards and witches, and so is he. He also learns that he is very famous in the wizard world because the dark and powerful wizard who had slain his parents could not do the same to him. Harry is taken away from his evil aunt and uncle who keeps him locked in a walk in downstairs closet, until he is rescued by who soon becomes one of his best friends Hagrit, a half wizard half giant guy. Harry is soon taken to the wizard world and taught magic. There he finds that not only is he famous but he is a legend. Every one seems to like him! He is enrolled in Hogwarts School of witch Craft and Wizardry and soon meets his two best friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger. Ron is a silly boy and it is also his first year at Hogwart's even though all of his brothers have already attended.Hermione is a very smart witch who just happens to know everything there is to know about harry's life and they become friends quickly. This book is packed full of fun and life. You will enjoy being right beside harry as he battles his arch enemy Valdemort and over comes him. It will have you wanting to read the next book J.K Rowling creates. This book is recomended to be read. Teens will love how Harry is brave enough to do anything, this is a very exciting work!

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- Harry Potter And The Philosoper''s Stone

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