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Emperor The Death Of Kings
(Conn Iggulden)

This is the second instalment of this intriguing series which sees the young Julius Caesar embarking upon his career as a soldier of Rome. The book opens with Caesar onboard a Roman War galley which is taken by sea pirates, making prisoners of the Roman soldiers on board.
They are later ransomed and abandoned on the coast of Africa with no money or passage home. With only a handful of men Julius takes charge and working his way from village to village employs help from those who have lived under Rome's command without serving her people. Having found enough men to take a ship the young Julius returns to Rome, to find it in chaos - the dictator Sulla has been murdered, unknowingly to Julius by his owner estate manager Tubruk, an ex gladiator, who has looked after Julius' family since he boarded the galley.
The book then details the rise of Caesar until it climaxes in a battle with the legendary Spartacus causing Julius to suffer the death of his wife Cornelia bringing his to a new chapter in his legendary life, which is continued in the third instalment Emperor - Field of Swords.
The book is easy reading which was a relief as previously read Roman history novels have made more meat of historical names and place names until the reader has no notion of who is carrying out which conversation and where. The 658 pages are intriguing and the author provides his own notes on the historical accuracies of the novel accounting for some if not all of his deviances. This book has caused me to buy all three in this series and I look forward to reading all in his collection of works.

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- Julius Caesar

- Julius Caesar

- Julius Caesar

- History

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