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Harry Potter Series
(J.K. Rowlings)

Sorcerers and witches and magical brews send kids and adults (of all ages) into a reading frenzie. Why? Escape. Escape into a world that is not familiar. A world where anything can happen and usually does. We stand in line for tickets to concerts, tickets to movies, but standing in line for a book? How realistic is that? If we weren't living it, would it be believeable? Is it believeable that a nine year old would rather finish a Potter book than play outside? That's what the Potter series do. It makes the unbelieveable believeable. Sorcerers and witches and magical brews could be happening right next door (in a house hidden from the view of us mere mortals). Anything is possible. Let's not even discuss the transport to school.

But..speaking of schools? Special schools pop up all the time, why not one for the magically gifted. I love the idea of ability grouping according to inner desires and possibilities. Imagine the successes in schools if that were how students were actually placed. Imagine teacher and student satisfaction as their creativity won out over strict policies and procedures. In Potter's world, every student achieves in one way or another and regardless of how they are grouped they are all considered an equal part of the school environment.

Rowlings created a world that everyone can be a part of and somewhat believe in. We can all share equally in her society once we have a Potter book. Once we have included ourselves in her world, who cares about the reality of the world we live in. Just join Harry as he grows from a weak awkward waif into a powerful sorcerer who protects the weak and the awkward.

To millions, has he become the millenium superhero of the magic realm? He has the cape. He has the following. He has the literature. What else does he need? Perhaps a new nemesis? (I'm sure that will come later). The real question is....is it believeable that Rowlings will really stop after number seven?

Resumos Relacionados

- Harry Potter And Goblet Of Fire

- Harry Potter And Goblet Of Fire

- Harry Potter And The Philosopher´s Stone

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows (no Spoiler)

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