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The War Between The Classes
(Gloria D Malkovitz)

The war between the classes is a story for young adults. For me reading it at 24 was a colourfully wrapped gift of self realisation.
The story is told by a seventeen year old third generation Japanese immigrant in America. She is Emiko at home and Amy at school.
Amy is in love from her first word. Butterflies. The butterflies having been caused by a Adam. Fluttering their delicate wings across the differences.
Along with classmates, the couple takes part in Otero's colour game. Enter whole new world. Where everything depends on what colour you are. . That and your sex.
In this other world the blues are the sky. They live good privilaged lives. The dark greens are the hardworking upper middle class who aspire to blue. As you might guess the light greens are a shade lower than the dark greens. The oranges another colour. Poor and problem ridden.
The females 'teks' are superior to the males 'no teks' all across the rainbow.
Inferior colours may not socialise with their superiors. They may however do them many a favor. Should infact. To to disregard the rules one risks seeing the ugly face of punishment. That face looks different to different colours.
Like good volunteers, members Otero`s G4 police are overzelous.
By dipping a hand into a bag and drawing out a colour, the students find that chance can indeed be a real thing.
For four weeks they have to live in the real world and the colour world too. Reactions
are as varied as their own races and backgrounds.
The colours pile Amy and Adam with yet another difference to fight. She is a blue tek and he an orange no tek.
And fight she does. So hard she gets demoted to Adams lot.
Adams lot take up the rebellion started by Amy. But Otero will not sit back and let all colours unite.
Through Amy you get to know her brother Hideo. Who together with his white wife Sue is struggling to earn parental acceptance for an unsanctioned marriage.
They lose a baby and leave you praying for a happy ending like you never did before.
And happy an end you get. Talk of revolutions bearing fruit. Red as they come.
If you let it. This story will sneak into your mind. Plant seeds. Maybe even a hint of the unlikely wish you were colour blind.

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