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(The Bible)

White hats, black hats.The early North American film industry
produced cowboy movies. In most cases the good guys wore white
10-gallon hats and bad guys wore the black.The white and black
hats are worldviews. A combination of one's education,
upbringing, psychology, philosophy combine to form one's Worldview.There
are essentially two world views today: the Biblical worldview;
and, the Secular Humanist. The Biblical worldview, simply stated,
is looking out at the world from the Bible. Secular Humanists et
al start from the world (evolution, human thought) and then look at the
Bible.The Bible tells us more than 2000 times it is the Word of
the One who created everything. Genesis, being the very first book of
the Bible, lays the foundations upon which the Bible and all true
history rest. Here is a partial list of the topics which Genesis
defines:-special Creation including the earth, the heavens, the water, stars and sun, the solar system;-creation of life, the creepy crawlies, birds, fish and sea going mammals; land bound animals; humans; -origination of evil, how it entered the world, why; and, how it will be resolved;-origination of government;-origin of marriage;-origination of languages;-origination of the chosen people;-origin of religion.Bottom
line: Genesis tells us that God created all. Since He is the Creator,
He has the right to make the rules and He has. Those who object to
Genesis, Christian or otherwise, seek to deny any authority over their
lives. Genesis makes God's authority very clear. Such individuals have
to deny Genesis in oder to justify doing what they choose to do
contrary to the Bible. It is that simple.The remainder of Genesis (chapters 12-50) presents God's chosen people and early history. Read it -- certainly the first eleven chapters. Use a Biblical worldview and you will clearly see the entire history of mankind.

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