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Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution
(Atkins, Robert C. MD.)

In this followup to the wildly successful Dr. Atkins' Diet Revolution, Dr. Atkins greatly expands and details some important points that were left out in the first book, and at the same time, introduces some new depth to his dietary revolution. Atkins starts on the same familiar note as he did the first book, emphasising that true dietary change can not be a half commitment, that the only way for his diet plan, or any other for that matter, is to change the ways you think that influence the things you eat. Atkins discusses in detail body types, and what plan is best suited for your unique system. Never the one to shy from controversy, Dr. Atkins suggests that our eating habits today have been formed through years of Darwinistic evolution, concluding that our dieting routine has been based on an only the strong survive diet structure. Basically, he states that after fifty five million years of evolution, those who couldn't adapt to diets consisting of lower carbohydrate intakes simply were bred out of existence. Obviously, this would mean that, on the principles of the Atkins' diet, that nature has already dealt you a bad hand with your metabolic structure. He goes on to discuss how the Atkins' diet compensates for the shortcomings of dietary evolution. The book is altogether easy to read, the recipes and meal plans are well presented and structured, and the charismatic writing of Dr. Robert Atkins. These may be a few factors in the Atkins Diet's longevity, but whatever the reasons, the Atkins' Diet and the books it inspired has outlasted thousands upon thousands of dietary trends in its time.

Besides pioneering the Atkins' diet through his literary works, Dr. Atkins founded The Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine, which has been successful in taking over eighty percent of hypertension patients off of medication using low carbohydrate diets. Dr. Robert C. Atkins died in 2003 after suffering head trauma from a fall, but will always be remembered through his legacy and literary works.

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- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

- Dr . Atkins' New Diet Revolution

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