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Self Reliance
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Do you believe someone's thoughts and feelings are more valid than your own? Is "it" true only because "it" comes from a source other than yourself? Your truth is not hinged on someone else's truth. Each of us has a destiny. Trust that destiny and work with all that is within you to obtain it.

When we attempt to be like someone else, we are killing who we are. We are killing our destiny. We should trust who we are and allow the world to see our greatness, our uniqueness. Everything we bring within us is necessary for society, necessary for the world to function as it should. That is why we are here. Do not allow society to force you to conform to an ideal, you are unique.

It is easy to listen to our inner self or guide when we are alone; but once we go out into the world, we shut off our inner self so that we can "fit" into the community that becomes our world once we step outside our homes. We attempt to conform by leaving our personal, natural selves out. But we can not fulfill our destiny, our greatness, if we shut ourselves off in order to "fit in".

Once we learn to trust ourselves, we obtain a purity of spirit that regains its driving soul. We must become an island with open ship lanes. We must be self sufficient, self reliant, yet willing to allow society to join us; but only if, while in that society, we can be ourselves and seek our own truth. Do not become part of the society that live in the shipping lanes. They are swept away according to the tides of life because that invisible unity that appears is only an illusion.

We must rely on ourselves and trust our truth because it alone is the pathway to our destiny.

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