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Heart Of Darkness (1902)
(Joseph Conrad)

Heart of Darkness; is a Dark tale of a man's journey through the shadows of his "other" while witnessing the gruesome actions of a once "civilized" army officer, Captian Kurtz, whose isolation in the ruins of an overgrown jungle has cased him to question his morals. Conrad begs the question, of our innate capabilities when faced with an illogical set of standards and rules in a situation where common sense has become increasingly dislocated. When given free reign to absolutely control a group of people, for no other reason than that, Kurtz loses his "civility" and disciplines in a fashion fitting for what he believes to be apt for the enviornment he is "ruling." What is "civil" when you are in a jungle? What are the rules when you are the one making them? What is the crime?
Written during World War 1, Conrad was clearly criticizng Britian's imperialism. In addition, England had granted to king Ferdnand, a portion of the Congo, which both Mark Twain and Conrad witnessed piles of amputated arms and legs of children as well as women as a form of dicipline against people who oppossed the King's regime. These horrorific events later made their debute in portions of this book as Kurtz, to scare the natives, practiced placing heads on poles to surround his home and walk way to his living quarters,
The Narrator of the story makes his own psychology journey down a dark metaphoric waterway into his own subconscious mind when he not only tries to understand the undoing of such a man a Kurtz was, but in the end must face the fears Kurts brings out in himself to the point where he must destroy a monster he can not only relate to, but truly understands.

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- Heart Of Darkness (1902)

- Heart Of Darkness

- Heart Of Darkness

- Heart Of Darkness (1902)

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