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(Elie Wiesel)

Elie Wiesel

Night is a story about a Jewish teen named Elizier who grew up in a quiet Hungarian town a religious, smart young man. One day, his former teacher was abducted by the Nazis and returned months later describing horrible, unspeakable cruelties being performed upon Jewish people where he had gone. Elizier and the rest of the town does not believe him, think he is crazy and go on living their quiet lives. However, soon the Germans begin pushing the Jews into restricted living quarters that grow smaller and smaller with the weeks. The living conditions in these ghettos are poor, the Nazis steal all the food and resources and abuse the Jews inside. Elizier continues to help feed his family and endure the difficult.

Soon, however, the residents of the ghettos are herded onto trains to be brought to concentration camps. Rumors spread abound that those being brought to the concentration camps will be tortured, killed, and raped. Yet, no one has any other hope but to go to the camps. Loaded onto clausterphobic trains with pestilent living conditions, those that make it to the camps are quickly examined to see who can work and who cannot. Elizier and his father are deemed workable and are assigned to work in an electrical parts factory. On their way out, however, they witness terrible atrocities being committed by the Nazis.

At the electrical camp, Jews are exploited as free labor for the Nazi war effort. Hundreds are put to slave like labor with constant beatings and intimidation. Those that stay alive try to stay together in faith and hope but many grow cynical and hurt the community?s solidarity. As the winter nears, the Nazis decide to abandon the factory and force the workers to run miles and miles to the nearest train loading dock. Along the way many people die, including Elizier?s father. Elizier himself survives and is herded onto a train into a concentration camp where he stays, a broken man, until the Americans liberate the camp.

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