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Who Moved My Cheese?
(Dr. Spencer Johnson)

CHEESE has had universal appeal ? whether in the
literal sense or otherwise. One is always out to get his
share of CHEESE from this world.

Cheese can be anything and everything you yearn
for ? a great job, a beautiful relationship, a pretty home
or a happy life.

Spencer takes the reader all the way to that
imaginary world where the aptly named hem and haw teams up
with sniff and scurry to provide one with an insight to our
own self ? how we would behave under different

Dr. Spencer Johnson?s ?Who Moved My Cheese? is not
just a story book but is a management tool which has
universal appeal and in the present fast changing world of
ours ? a must read for all.

It is a great management tool which is great in its
simplicity and also its mass appeal. It propounds the basic
management theory ? The Paradigm Shift.

Whatever stage, age, strata, race or religion one
may belong to ? each and everyone is able to identify
himself / herself with one of Spencer?s characters.

Each character is unique in its approach to life ?
SNIF, who sniffs at everything before he takes another
step; SCURRY, who is more into action and scurries on; HEM,
who always feared change refuses to see the writing on the
wall and then there is HAW, who gradually adapts according
to needs.

Life is a maze and one has to find his cheese over
and over again. It propounds that the only permanent thing
in this world is ?Change?. And the earlier one accepts this
fact and adapts, the faster he is going to taste success.

When one is bogged down with day to day affairs,
one would hardly be able to take a fresh look at his
surroundings ? his relationships ? his career ? his life

One reading of this book and you feel rejuvenated
and liberated ? that is the magic that Spencer has weaved.

Resumos Relacionados

- Who Moved My Cheese

- Who Moved My Cheese

- Who Moved My Cheese?- Teenage Version

- Who Moved My Cheese?

- Who Moved My Cheese

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