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How To Find The Right Vocation
(Perry Wilbur)

School and college days are great, but they go by faster than most people realize. If you haven't already done so, now is the time to be zeroing in on what you honestly feel is the right vocation for you.

Don't wait until you've graduated, are working, or through your first years in college. Wise up to that ticking clock on the wall. Now is the time to start looking for clues that point to the right field for you.

Know first that there's a right vocation for you, but you've got to do some serious thinking about yourself and your interests in order to find where you belong. Maybe you think you're still too young to follow the age-old advice to "know thyself." Remember it's your life and work. You'll save a lot of frustration, wasted years, and energy if you can make a right choice today about your future.

Where do you belong? If you're interested in the business world, for example, you need to be exploring that professional arena, talking to people now in some form of business, and reading all you can about it.

In what area of work can you make a strong contribution and also be happy? These are critical questions you need to answer. The first step in narrowing down the job-vocation field is to sit down and make a list of all your areas of interest. Write down the various fields that have interested you in the past or that interest you today. Your list might include seven, ten, or
more fields. Your next step is to decide in your mind which fields interest you the most. Rank them number one, two, and three in order of their degree of interest to you.

After you've chosen three major fields of interest, the next thing to do is to read up on these three vocations or job fields. You already have some knowledge about them no doubt. The idea now is to learn more about them. Say, for example, that you listed newspaper reporter,
engineer, and salesperson. Then these three would be studied in order to gain more information about them.

The editors of many trade journals will send you some back issues free or for a small charge. By looking through these journals in your fields of interest, you can learn a great deal about the overall work involved. This will also be up-to-date information.

Don't forget about books in your search for more information. There are some excellent vocational guidance books in many libraries. New books are published each year on a variety of jobs and vocations.

Perhaps your smartest move would be to aim for some work experience in, or as close to your field of interest, as you can manage to obtain. If you go to college, use those years to learn still more about your special field and your job changes to get into the work of your choice as soon as possible.

Life's accomplishments don't just happen. Begin planning where you want to be now and
do the seed work, the research, the investigation of your fields of interest now. May you find
your special place in the vocation or work field of your dreams. More power to you.

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